Sunday, July 12, 2009

Moonlight Chase

Last night we volunteered at the Moonlight Chase...Nate's mom is the race director. There was a 1/4 mile, 1 mile, and 4 mile race. The 4 mile race started at 9:00 PM and the race is lit by luminaries. 1899 people raced last night!! We preferred watching! Luckily the weather was B-E-A-U-tiful!!!

We're the couple that dresses alike....

This family likes to volunteer.....or is it volun-told?? :)

Our nephew is cute cheeseball!! (Check out those manpris!)

Racers waiting to start.... (we need to figure out how to take pictures in the dark...)

Looks like too much work.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It has been one rainy summer!!! It rained ALL!
Today we were going to volunteer at the John Deere Classic Golf Tournament (aka wear funky green shirts and watch some professional golfers)...but play was suspended. Michelle had to work all day. How sad! :P
The only one smiling.........

Ike........because Nate was home with him all afternoon! :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

123456789 Day

Some people have too much time on their hands!...

Today marked a cool spot in sequential history. At exactly 12:34:56 today, the time and date was 12:34:56 7/08/09. This only happens once every 100 years.

What were you doing? Something noteworthy?

I was eating leftover tatertot casserole in the breakroom at work. Top that.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sewing adventures...

I like to teach myself new things. I'm very notorious for starting projects and never finishing them...mainly because I get bored once I realize I can do something. I just like the challenge of seeing if I can do it or not.

Newest task: sewing

My mom let me borrow her old school sewing machine. I didn't really want to purchase a sewing machine and then hate sewing. (Nate thought borrowing was a FABULOUS idea.)

I decided to work on a receiving blanket for a friend of ours who just had a little girl. I found this idea at Thanks for the great advice!

Here's the finished product....not so shabby for my first adventure.

Last night I tried to make a pillow cover. My mom lead me astray and told me cut an inch and a half off of the fabric. I did and then I was an inch and a half off. You can't win them all....
I think there may be more sewing adventures to come!

Monday, July 6, 2009


Last night we were suprised with fireworks in our very own, dinky little suburbia town. We watched them from the deck....slightly obstructed by some trees...but still a fun way to end the 3 day week-end.

(Nate told me to use the fireworks setting on the camera. I think he doesn't know what he's talking about. He still thinks it's because we were too far away...whatever! :P )

Ike was bored during fireworks....surprisingly he didn't get scared...he was just trying to figure out what the pretty lights were....and then he got REALLY sleepy....

Good end to a great 4th!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July

Hope everyone had a great 4th! It was a VERY rainy and gloomy one here. Luckily it didn't ruin our only outside plans...GRILLING..........turkey wrapped in bacon (super healthy) and beer butt chicken. Mmmmm, mmmmm.

I didn't have my camera out much so I don't have many pictures to post. We mainly just had a relaxing week-end...and relaxing week-ends don't tend to lead to very exciting pictures. :P

Friday the girls went fabric/scrapbook shopping. (Michelle learned to sew on Friday...a post to follow on her creation!). The boys went golfing. Then fireworks over the Mississippi. The boys took too long golfing/eatings so we got a bad parking spot...which again..didn't lead to very exciting pictures. Darn boys!

Saturday was movies and naps and Wii playing!

All in all.........4th of July 2009 was better than 2008.........siding our house and being too tired for fireworks.....I prefer the lack of pictures....and lack of manual labor....

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

House Tour- 2nd floor

Ike would like to give you a tour of our 2nd floor.... (It's also kind of like a Where's Waldo game...can you spot Ike in the pictures?? He's VERY helpful!)

View of walkway looking into master bedroom...

North bedroom....

North sink area of Jack and Jill bathroom (the other side looks EXACTLY the same)....

Shower/toilet area of Jack and Jill bath....

South bedroom.... (thinking about turning this into a craft room...hmmmm)...

Laundry room....

Master needs more...something above the bed...any suggestions??

Pocket doors that open into master bath....

Claw foot tub we had refinished...

We have some trim and finish work left in here....

Ike is hilarious...

Master bedroom closet...we're thinking about watching the fireworks from this window...minor flaw in the house plan!...

Price Pfister Ashfield faucet.....conserves water...looks can't go wrong...

Ike hopes you have enjoyed your tour....