Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sewing adventures...

I like to teach myself new things. I'm very notorious for starting projects and never finishing them...mainly because I get bored once I realize I can do something. I just like the challenge of seeing if I can do it or not.

Newest task: sewing

My mom let me borrow her old school sewing machine. I didn't really want to purchase a sewing machine and then hate sewing. (Nate thought borrowing was a FABULOUS idea.)

I decided to work on a receiving blanket for a friend of ours who just had a little girl. I found this idea at http://mayamade.blogspot.com/2008/11/simple-gifts.html Thanks for the great advice!

Here's the finished product....not so shabby for my first adventure.

Last night I tried to make a pillow cover. My mom lead me astray and told me cut an inch and a half off of the fabric. I did and then I was an inch and a half off. You can't win them all....
I think there may be more sewing adventures to come!


  1. What a lovely blanket! It turned out wonderfully... very impressive! Have fun with your next sewing project, don't let the pillow case deter you!

  2. Ha ha ha Michelle! You are too funny! Your blanket looks real pretty and actually perfect! From Tammy Hill
