We got Ike in April 2007. He was a naughty puppy...as all puppies are.

But also one of the cutiest....

Ike has been our best bud for the past 2 years....our child. We love him to pieces. Lately we are beginning to realize that our child is going to need some schooling.....dog school. The price is reduced if you and your dog fail the first session. School starts in August. Wish us luck!
Why the need for obedience school?
Ike has made some costly/bad luck mistakes in the past month. First....a root canal for Michelle. She bent down to pet him and he jumped straight in her face. Her front tooth was dislodged. She had to call the dentist....on a Sunday...of Memorial Day week-end. She went for her check-up a week later and got the bad news....her tooth was dying and she'd need an emergency root canal. Bummer Ike.
1 week later.....while getting ready for a week-end evening out.....Ike was left alone in the closet (our mistake!)....he was found chewing Nate's shorts.......and his Samsung Delve phone in his shorts. Bummer Ike (and Nate). (Luckily for Ike, US Cellular has discounted phones for situations like this. We also now have insurance on our phones.)
These mistakes...along with some walking issues have brought about the need for dog school. His cute face tries to persuade us otherwise...

Hi IKE!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think you'we being fwamed..you look adowable and I'm suwe you awe totally innocent..I mean, ummmIt's not youw fault if hoomans don't know how to weceive exhoobewant foxie kisses, and about eating the showts and phone..I'm suwe you wewe just twying to call 911 to get you out of the closet.anyway, my fwiend Scwuffy (of holytewwiew.blogspot.com has almost taken his baw exam fow the two hundweth time, and I'm suwe he will be happ to wepwesent you and get you off)
I'm so happy to meet you..and see that you'we going to be pawt of my bloggie wowld
smoochie kisses